Friday, March 27, 2009

Reid Leaves Open Option for Extreme Maneuver on Health Care, Energy Overhauls

These guys are going to try to ram down our throats government run universal health care using a parlimentary procedure to avoid minority opposition and debate? This is government gone wild. The Constitution is being totally trashed.-Lou

Reid Leaves Open Option for Extreme Maneuver on Health Care, Energy Overhauls

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is holding the option of using a legislative maneuver to create not only a sweeping overhaul of the nation's health care system but also a controversial cap and trade energy program, a move that could torpedo bipartisanship.

The maneuver, known as "reconciliation," protects legislation to which it's attached from a Senate filibuster. Republicans, in their deep minority status, are in an uproar over the possibility that they will be all but eliminated from the legislative process.

But Republicans are not alone in their opposition. A sizable number of Democrats have protested the move; first and foremost, Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D., who excluded it from his committee's budget passed Thursday.

The House has reconciliation instructions in its budget for health care, and Reid left open the door Thursday to adding energy protections as well.

"We're leaving nothing off the table," Reid told reporters Thursday, a move that has touched off a firestorm of concern behind the scenes.

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1 comment:

  1. Doesn't any public representative have any balls to stand up for what is right for America. Have you looked at England, France and Canada's socialized health care closely? Not all conditions are covered nor do you have a say in your coverage. There are many stories (not Michael Moore's) where the panel to determine whether or not you will be treated goes against the patients. Most of the time it is a procedure that is to expensive and deemed not necessary. Is this we want for our country? I don't think so.

    The government proves time and time again that what ever they touch becomes very expensive and will not be run effeciently.

    The news coming out of Washington is nauseating. I can only pray that this Socialist agenda will be met with enough resistance so the people have time to wake up.
