Monday, June 29, 2009

Throw The Book At Him

A Snake Learns His Fate

Louis Scatigna

Today Bernie Madoff learns his fate. His 4,800 victims, individuals and charities, already know their fate, impoverishment and destitution and closure. Never in history has one man stolen so much from so many.
As time passes we will learn exactly how Madoff was able to defraud investors out of $60 billion. We will also find out who was also involved in the scam, there is no way one man could run a fraud of this size and for so long without help.

I have trouble understanding why someone needs so much money, when is enough enough? After he stole $10 million dollars from his first victims what motivated him to keep ripping people off for over a decade and for billions? He didn't care if you were a charity, a friend or a helpless widow, he wanted it all.

Probably the worst thing Bernie Madoff did was make people distrust their financial advisors, after all if this respected Wall Street advisor could do this to his clients what's to stop their advisor from doing the same. Many of us have worked many years to build up our reputations and you have tarnished us all. Shame on you Mr. Madoff for all your selfish, uncaring and unrepentent actions.

Today Bernard Madoff learns his fate. Anything less than 20 years more than his life expectancy would be a gross injustice.
Good bye Bernard Madoff have a nice life.

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