Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Federal Cigarette Tax Rises 62 Cents Today

Here is sound financial advice from your Financial Physician: Quit Smoking. Besides being unbelievably expensive, it sickens and kills you. I'm not a smoker so I really don't know how hard it is to quit, but I wish you would. Plus, think of all the extra money you would have.-Lou

Government Thinks Insane Tobacco Tax Will Make People Quit Smoking

Fox Business
A new federal tobacco tax that takes effect April 1 will raise the cost of a pack of cigarettes by 62 cents. Public health officials expect the price increase to prompt more people to quit smoking. The Department of Health's toll-free Tobacco Quit Line is a great place to start.

In response to the expected loss in sales as more people quit smoking, several major tobacco companies, including Altria, R.J. Reynolds, and Lorillard Tobacco Company, recently raised prices on popular brands. Along with the federal tax, these price increases will make cigarettes a lot more expensive.

"Things are tough right now. This increase could cost regular smokers hundreds of dollars a year, which is another good reason to quit smoking. Quitting will help your health and your pocketbook," said Secretary of Health Mary Selecky. "Our Tobacco Quit Line is there to help when people are ready. Free coaching and nicotine patches or gum are just a phone call away."

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1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I don't agree that insane Tobacco tax will make people quit smoking.Quitting smoking isn’t as easy as it sounds,
